A common library for all Voxel Busters's plugins.
delegate void | Callback () |
| Generic callback definition for operations.
delegate void | Callback< TArg > (TArg arg) |
| Generic callback definition for events.
delegate void | SuccessCallback< TResult > (TResult result) |
| Generic callback definition for events.
delegate void | ErrorCallback (Error error) |
| Generic callback definition for operations.
delegate void | CompletionCallback (bool success, Error error) |
| Generic callback definition for operations.
delegate void | CompletionCallback< TResult > (TResult result, Error error) |
| Generic callback definition for events.
delegate void | EventCallback< TResult > (TResult result, Error error) |
| Generic callback definition for operations.
◆ ContentRating
This enum is used to specify the level of content maturity for an app.
Enumerator |
GeneralAudience | Content suitable for general audiences, including families.
MatureAudience | Content suitable only for mature audiences.
ParentalGuidance | Content suitable for most audiences with parental guidance.
TeensAndOlder | Content suitable for teen and older audiences.
◆ TextureEncodingFormat
Enumerator |
PNG | Encodes the given texture into PNG format.
JPG | Encodes the given texture into JPEG format.