Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- Add() : AppShortcuts
- AddAttachment() : MailComposer, MessageComposer, ShareSheet
- AddButton() : AlertDialog, AlertDialogBuilder
- AddCancelButton() : AlertDialog, AlertDialogBuilder
- AddFriend() : GameServices, ILocalPlayer
- AddImage() : MailComposer, MessageComposer, ShareSheet, SocialShareComposer
- AddressBookUnitySettings() : AddressBookUnitySettings
- AddScreenshot() : MailComposer, MessageComposer, ShareSheet, SocialShareComposer
- AddText() : ShareSheet
- AddTextInputField() : AlertDialog, AlertDialogBuilder
- AddURL() : ShareSheet, SocialShareComposer
- AddURLScheme() : WebView
- AlertDialogBuilder() : AlertDialogBuilder
- AllowRunningApplicationInBackgroundUntilCompletion() : TaskServices
- AllowRunningApplicationInBackgroundUntilCompletion< TResult >() : TaskServices
- AllowRunningApplicationInBackgroundUntilTaskCompletion() : TaskServices
- AllowRunningApplicationInBackgroundUntilTaskCompletion< TResult >() : TaskServices
- Android() : RuntimePlatformConstant
- AsFilePath() : IMediaContent
- AskForReviewNow() : RateMyApp
- AsRawMediaData() : IMediaContent
- AsTexture2D() : IMediaContent
- Authenticate() : GameServices