void | SetToRecipients (params string[] values) |
| Sets the initial recipients to include in the email’s “To” field.
void | SetCcRecipients (params string[] values) |
| Sets the initial recipients to include in the email’s “Cc” field.
void | SetBccRecipients (params string[] values) |
| Sets the initial recipients to include in the email’s “Bcc” field.
void | SetSubject (string value) |
| Sets the initial text for the subject line of the email.
void | SetBody (string value, bool isHtml=false) |
| Sets the initial body text to include in the email.
void | AddScreenshot (string fileName) |
| Captures a screenshot and adds it as an attachment of the email.
void | AddImage (Texture2D image, string fileName, TextureEncodingFormat textureEncodingFormat=TextureEncodingFormat.JPG) |
| Adds specified image as an attachment of the email.
void | AddAttachment (byte[] data, string mimeType, string fileName) |
| Adds the specified data as an attachment of the email.
void | SetCompletionCallback (EventCallback< MailComposerResult > callback) |
| Specify the action to execute after the composer is dismissed.
void | Show () |
| Shows the email composer interface with values initially set.
Use this composer to display a standard email interface inside your app. Before presenting the interface, populate the fields with initial values for the subject, email recipients, body text, and attachments of the email. After presenting the interface, the user can edit your initial values before sending the email.
The following code example shows how to compose mail.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");
The MailComposer class provides an interface to compose and send an email message.
Definition MailComposer.cs:61
void AddScreenshot(string fileName)
Captures a screenshot and adds it as an attachment of the email.
Definition MailComposer.cs:255
static bool CanSendMail()
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the current device is able to send email.
Definition MailComposer.cs:88
void SetCompletionCallback(EventCallback< MailComposerResult > callback)
Specify the action to execute after the composer is dismissed.
Definition MailComposer.cs:326
static MailComposer CreateInstance()
Initializes a new instance of the MailComposer class.
Definition MailComposer.cs:75
void SetBody(string value, bool isHtml=false)
Sets the initial body text to include in the email.
Definition MailComposer.cs:235
void SetSubject(string value)
Sets the initial text for the subject line of the email.
Definition MailComposer.cs:214
void Show()
Shows the email composer interface with values initially set.
Definition MailComposer.cs:338
This class contains the result of the user action which caused MailComposer interface to dismiss.
Definition MailComposerResult.cs:12
Namespace for essential kit features. You need to import this namespace along with VoxelBusters....
Definition AddressBook.cs:8