Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- p -
- Path : DeepLinkDefinition
- Payment : IBillingTransaction
- PaymentMode : BillingProductOfferPricingPhase
- Payouts : BillingProductDefinition, IBillingProduct
- PercentageCompleted : IAchievement
- Period : BillingProductOfferPricingPhase, BillingProductSubscriptionInfo
- PermissionStatus : NotificationServicesRequestPermissionResult, NotificationSettings
- PhoneNumbers : IAddressBookContact
- Platform : RuntimePlatformConstant
- PlatformId : IAchievement, IAchievementDescription, IBillingProduct, ILeaderboard
- Player : ILeaderboardScore, IScore
- Players : GameServicesLoadPlayerFriendsResult, GameServicesLoadPlayersResult
- PlayerScope : ILeaderboard
- PreviewStyle : NotificationSettings
- Price : BillingProductOfferPricingPhase, IBillingProduct
- PriceCurrencyCode : IBillingProduct
- PriceCurrencySymbol : IBillingProduct
- PricingPhases : BillingProductOffer
- Product : IBillingTransaction
- Products : BillingServices, BillingServicesInitializeStoreResult, BillingServicesUnitySettings
- ProductType : BillingProductDefinition
- Progress : WebView
- PromptUpdate() : AppUpdater
- PublicKeyUrl : ServerCredentials.IosPlatformProperties
- PurchasedQuantity : IBillingTransaction
- PushNotificationEnabled : NotificationSettings
- PushNotificationTrigger() : PushNotificationTrigger