Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- Rank : ILeaderboardScore, IScore
- RawData : IBillingTransaction
- RawUrlString : DeepLinkServicesDynamicLinkOpenResult
- ReadContacts() : AddressBook
- Reason : BillingProductRevocationInfo
- Receipt : IBillingTransaction
- ReceiptVerificationState : IBillingTransaction
- RegisterForPushNotifications() : NotificationServices
- Reload() : WebView
- Remove() : AppShortcuts
- RemoveAllDeliveredNotifications() : NotificationServices
- RemoveKey() : KeyValueDataStore, CloudServices
- RenewalDate : BillingProductSubscriptionRenewalInfo
- RenewalInfo : BillingProductSubscriptionStatus
- RepeatCount : BillingProductOfferPricingPhase
- Repeats : CalendarNotificationTrigger, INotificationTrigger, PushNotificationTrigger, TimeIntervalNotificationTrigger
- ReportAchievementProgress() : GameServices
- ReportProgress() : IAchievement
- ReportScore() : GameServices, ILeaderboard, IScore
- RequestedQuantity : IBillingTransaction
- RequestPermission() : NotificationServices
- RequestUpdateInfo() : AppUpdater
- RestorePurchases() : BillingServices
- Result : WebViewRunJavaScriptResult
- ResultCode : MailComposerResult, MessageComposerResult, ShareSheetResult, SocialShareComposerResult
- RevocationInfo : IBillingTransaction
- RunJavaScript() : WebView