Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- Id : AchievementDefinition, BillingProductDefinition, BillingProductOffer, IAchievement, IAchievementDescription, IBillingProduct, IBillingTransaction, ILeaderboard, INotification, IPlayer, LeaderboardDefinition
- Identifier : DeepLinkDefinition
- Image() : ShareItem
- Initialize() : AddressBook, AppShortcuts, AppUpdater, BillingServices, DeepLinkServices, GameServices, MediaServices, NetworkServices, NotificationServices, RateMyApp, TaskServices, Utilities
- InitializeStore() : BillingServices
- InvalidProductIds : BillingServicesInitializeStoreResult
- iOS() : RuntimePlatformConstant
- IosPlatformProperties : BillingProductOfferRedeemDetails
- IosProperties : INotification, ServerCredentials
- IsAllowedToRate() : RateMyApp
- IsAuthenticated : GameServices, ILocalPlayer
- IsAutoRenewEnabled : BillingProductSubscriptionRenewalInfo
- IsAvailable : IBillingProduct
- IsCompleted : IAchievement
- IsComposerAvailable() : SocialShareComposer
- IsConnected : NetworkServicesInternetConnectivityStatusChangeResult
- IsForceUpdate : PromptUpdateOptions
- IsHidden : IAchievementDescription
- IsHostReachable : NetworkServices
- IsInactive : BillingProductDefinition
- IsInternetActive : NetworkServices
- IsLaunchNotification : INotification
- IsLoading : WebView
- IsNotifierActive : NetworkServices
- IsProductPurchased() : BillingServices
- IsReachable : NetworkServicesHostReachabilityStatusChangeResult
- IsRegisteredForPushNotifications() : NotificationServices
- IsReplayable : IAchievementDescription
- IsUnderAge : ILocalPlayer
- IsValid : URLString