CAchievementDefinition | Represents an object containing additional information related to game achievement |
CAddressBook | The AddressBook class provides cross-platform interface to access the contact information |
CAddressBookReadContactsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when AddressBook.ReadContacts(EventCallback<AddressBookReadContactsResult>) operation is completed |
CAddressBookRequestContactsAccessResult | This class contains the information retrieved when AddressBook.RequestContactsAccess(bool, EventCallback<AddressBookRequestContactsAccessResult>) operation is completed |
CAddressBookUnitySettings | Used to configure Address Book module of Essential Kit |
CAlertDialog | Interface to display an alert message to the user |
CAlertDialogBuilder | Builder class for AlertDialog objects. Provides a convenient way to set the various fields of a AlertDialog |
CServerCredentials.AndroidPlatformProperties | Represents the android platform-specific properties for connecting to google play services from your backend |
CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.AndroidProperties | Represents the Android platform properties for redeeming a product offer |
CAppShortcutItem | Represents an app shortcut item |
CAppShortcuts | The AppShortcuts feature allowes to create shortcuts for the application |
CAppUpdater | Cross-platform interface to facilitate updating the current version of the application |
CAppUpdaterUpdateInfo | The AppUpdaterUpdateInfo class provides information related to the status of the update |
CBillingPeriod | Represents duration of billing product subscription period |
CBillingPrice | Represents a billing price with its value, code, symbol, and display text |
CBillingProductDefinition | Represents an object containing information related to billing product definition. This contains the data you set in settings |
CBillingProductOffer | Represents a product offer for a billing product |
CBillingProductOfferPricingPhase | Represents a phase of pricing for a billing product offer |
CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails | Represents details of a product offer to be redeemed |
CBillingProductPayoutDefinition | Represents payout information associated with the product |
CBillingProductRevocationInfo | Represents information about the revocation of a billing product |
CBillingProductSubscriptionInfo | Represents the information about the billing product subscription |
CBillingProductSubscriptionRenewalInfo | Represents the information about the billing product subscription renewal |
CBillingProductSubscriptionStatus | Represents the subscription status of a billing product |
CBillingServices | Provides cross-platform interface to request payment from a user for additional functionality or content that your application delivers.
CBillingServicesInitializeStoreResult | This class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.InitializeStore operation is completed |
CBillingServicesRestorePurchasesResult | This class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.OnRestorePurchasesComplete event is triggered |
CBillingServicesTransactionStateChangeResult | This class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.OnTransactionStateChange event is triggered |
CBillingServicesUnitySettings | Used to configure the Billing module of Essential Kit |
CAppShortcutItem.Builder | Builder for creating a new instance of the AppShortcutItem class |
CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.Builder | Represents a builder class for BillingProductOfferRedeemDetails |
CBuyProductOptions.Builder | Builder class for BuyProductOptions |
CPromptUpdateOptions.Builder | Builder class for constructing PromptUpdateOptions instances |
CBuyProductOptions | Represents options for purchasing a IBillingProduct |
CCloudServices | Provides a cross-platform interface to sync information across various devices by storing it in the cloud |
CCloudServicesSavedDataChangeResult | This class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnSavedDataChange event |
CCloudServicesSynchronizeResult | This class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnSynchronizeComplete event |
CCloudServicesUserChangeResult | This class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnUserChange event |
CCloudServicesUtility | Utility class for handling cloud services related operations |
CDatePicker | Provides a cross-platform interface to access device's date picker view |
CDatePickerResult | This class contains the information retrieved when DatePicker.OnCloseCallback is invoked |
CDeepLinkDefinition | Represents definition of deep link which can be used to configure deep link services |
CDeepLinkServices | Provides cross-platform interface to handle deep links.
CDeepLinkServicesDynamicLinkOpenResult | This class contains the information retrieved when deep link is opened |
CExternalServiceProvider | Provides an interface to connect external services used by the plugin |
CGameServices | Provides cross-platform interface to easily integrate popular social gaming functionalities such as achievements, leaderboards on your mobile games |
CGameServicesAuthStatusChangeResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.Authenticate operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadAchievementDescriptionsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadAchievements(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadAchievementsResult>) operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadAchievementsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadAchievements(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadAchievementsResult>) operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadLeaderboardsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadLeaderboards(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadLeaderboardsResult>) operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadPlayerFriendsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when load player friends operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadPlayersResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadPlayers(string[], EventCallback<GameServicesLoadPlayersResult>) operation is completed |
CGameServicesLoadServerCredentialsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadServerCredentials(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadServerCredentialsResult>) operation is completed |
CGameServicesUnitySettings | Used to configure Game Services module of Essential Kit |
CGameServicesViewResult | This class contains the information retrieved when game view is closed |
CIAchievement | Provides an interface to communicate with game server about local players progress towards completing achievement |
CIAchievementDescription | Provides an interface to access an achievement's properties such as achievement's title, max points, image etc |
CIAddressBookContact | Provides a cross-platform interface to access contact properties, such as contact’s name, image, phone numbers etc.
CIBillingProduct | Provides a cross-platform interface to access information about a product registered in Store |
CIBillingTransaction | Provides an interface to access transaction information of the purchased product |
CICloudUser | Provides a cross-platform interface to access information related to active cloud user |
CIEventHandler | Base interface that all event handlers inherit from |
CIJsonServiceProvider | Adapter interface for supporting json conversion compatible with the plugin |
CILeaderboard | Provides interface to read data from a leaderboard stored on game server |
CILeaderboardScore | Provides a cross-platform interface to access information about a leaderboard score |
CIMediaContent | Interface to be implemented by media content classes |
CINotification | Provides a cross-platform interface to access properties of Notification object |
►CINotificationTrigger | Base interface for representing an event that triggers the delivery of a notification |
CCalendarNotificationTrigger | A trigger condition that causes a notification to be delivered at a specific date and time |
CPushNotificationTrigger | A trigger condition that indicates the notification was using a Push Notification Service |
CTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger | A trigger condition that causes a notification to be delivered after the specified amount of time elapses |
CServerCredentials.IosPlatformProperties | Represents iOS platform-specific properties for server credentials |
CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.IosProperties | Represents the iOS platform properties for redeeming a product offer |
►CIPlayer | Provides a cross-platform interface to access information about a player playing your game |
CILocalPlayer | Provides interface to access information about the authenticated player running your game on the device |
CISaveServiceProvider | Adapter interface for supporting save service compatible with the plugin |
CIScore | |
CKeyValueDataStore | Object represents a container to store key-value pairs |
CLeaderboardDefinition | Represents an object containing additional information related to game leaderboard |
CLeaderboardLoadScoresResult | This class contains the information retrieved when load scores operation is completed |
CMailComposer | Interface to compose and send an email message |
CMailComposerExtensions | Mail composer extensions |
CMailComposerResult | This class contains the result of the user action which caused MailComposer interface to dismiss |
CMediaContentCaptureOptions | Contains options which customize the behavior of the MediaServices.CaptureMediaContent method |
CMediaContentSaveOptions | Contains options which customize the behavior of the MediaServices.SaveMediaContent method |
CMediaContentSelectOptions | Contains options for selecting media content |
CMediaServices | Provides cross-platform interface to access devices's media gallery and camera for picking/saving media content |
CMediaServicesRequestCameraAccessResult | This class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.RequestCameraAccess(bool, EventCallback<MediaServicesRequestCameraAccessResult>) operation is completed |
CMediaServicesRequestGalleryAccessResult | This class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.RequestGalleryAccess(GalleryAccessMode, bool, EventCallback<MediaServicesRequestGalleryAccessResult>) operation is completed |
CMediaServicesSaveImageToGalleryResult | This class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.SaveImageToGallery(Texture2D, EventCallback<MediaServicesSaveImageToGalleryResult>) operation is completed |
CMediaServicesSelectMediaContentResult | Contains information about the media content selected by the user |
CMessageComposer | Standard interface for composing and sending SMS or MMS messages |
CMessageComposerResult | This class contains the result of the user action which caused MessageComposer interface to dismiss |
CMimeType | Collection of most commonly used MIME types |
CNetworkServices | Provides cross-platform interface to check network connectivity status |
CNetworkServicesHostReachabilityStatusChangeResult | This object contains the information retrieved when NetworkServices.OnHostReachabilityChange event occurs |
CNetworkServicesInternetConnectivityStatusChangeResult | This interface contains the information retrieved when NetworkServices.OnInternetConnectivityChange event occurs |
CNotificationAndroidProperties | Notification properties specific to Android platform |
CNotificationBuilder | Builder class for INotification objects. Provides a convenient way to set the various fields of a INotification |
CNotificationIosProperties | Notification properties specific to iOS platform |
CNotificationServices | Provides cross-platform interface for scheduling, registering and handling notifications |
CNotificationServicesGetDeliveredNotificationsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetDeliveredNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesGetDeliveredNotificationsResult>) request is completed |
CNotificationServicesGetScheduledNotificationsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetScheduledNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesGetScheduledNotificationsResult>) request is completed |
CNotificationServicesGetSettingsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetSettings(Callback<NotificationServicesGetSettingsResult>) is completed |
CNotificationServicesNotificationReceivedResult | This class contains the information retrieved when notification message is received |
CNotificationServicesRegisterForPushNotificationsResult | This class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.RegisterForPushNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesRegisterForPushNotificationsResult>) operation is completed |
CNotificationServicesRequestPermissionResult | This class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.RequestPermission(NotificationPermissionOptions, bool, EventCallback<NotificationServicesRequestPermissionResult>) operation is completed |
CNotificationSettings | Represents the user’s notification settings |
CPromptUpdateOptions | Represents the options for prompting an update to the user. Use the PromptUpdateOptions.Builder to create an instance of this class |
CRateMyApp | Unique way to prompt user to review the app |
CRateMyAppLocalisationKey | Keys used to localize the rate my app feature |
CRawMediaData | Contains information about raw media data |
CReadContactsOptions | Represents a set of options that can be used to read contacts from the user's device |
CRuntimePlatformConstant | Object represents an immutable, read-only object that combines a string value with a platform |
CServerCredentials | Contains information about the game service credentials which can be used to connect to game service from your backend |
CShareItem | Class internally used to pass data options into sharing functions |
CShareSheet | Interface to access standard services from your app |
CShareSheetResult | This class contains the result of the user action which caused ShareSheet interface to dismiss |
CSharingServices | Provides a cross-platform interface to access sharing services |
CSocialShareComposer | Interface to compose a post for supported social networking services |
CSocialShareComposerResult | This class contains the result of the user action which caused SocialShareComposer interface to dismiss |
CStringPopupAttribute | Base class to create custom string popup field in the inspector |
CTaskServices | Cross-platform interface to schedule or continue tasks in background. This can be used for running tasks uninterruptedly |
CURLString | Struct value to represent the location of a resource, such as an item on a remote server or the path to a local file |
CUtilities | Provides a cross-platform interface to access commonly used native features |
CWebView | Provides a cross-platform interface to display web contents inside your application |
CWebViewExtensions | Web view extensions |
CWebViewRunJavaScriptResult | This class contains the information retrieved when WebView.RunJavaScript(string, EventCallback<WebViewRunJavaScriptResult>) operation is completed |