Essential Kit
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAchievementDefinitionRepresents an object containing additional information related to game achievement
 CAddressBookThe AddressBook class provides cross-platform interface to access the contact information
 CAddressBookReadContactsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when AddressBook.ReadContacts(EventCallback<AddressBookReadContactsResult>) operation is completed
 CAddressBookRequestContactsAccessResultThis class contains the information retrieved when AddressBook.RequestContactsAccess(bool, EventCallback<AddressBookRequestContactsAccessResult>) operation is completed
 CAddressBookUnitySettingsUsed to configure Address Book module of Essential Kit
 CAlertDialogInterface to display an alert message to the user
 CAlertDialogBuilderBuilder class for AlertDialog objects. Provides a convenient way to set the various fields of a AlertDialog
 CServerCredentials.AndroidPlatformPropertiesRepresents the android platform-specific properties for connecting to google play services from your backend
 CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.AndroidPropertiesRepresents the Android platform properties for redeeming a product offer
 CAppShortcutItemRepresents an app shortcut item
 CAppShortcutsThe AppShortcuts feature allowes to create shortcuts for the application
 CAppUpdaterCross-platform interface to facilitate updating the current version of the application
 CAppUpdaterUpdateInfoThe AppUpdaterUpdateInfo class provides information related to the status of the update
 CBillingPeriodRepresents duration of billing product subscription period
 CBillingPriceRepresents a billing price with its value, code, symbol, and display text
 CBillingProductDefinitionRepresents an object containing information related to billing product definition. This contains the data you set in settings
 CBillingProductOfferRepresents a product offer for a billing product
 CBillingProductOfferPricingPhaseRepresents a phase of pricing for a billing product offer
 CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetailsRepresents details of a product offer to be redeemed
 CBillingProductPayoutDefinitionRepresents payout information associated with the product
 CBillingProductRevocationInfoRepresents information about the revocation of a billing product
 CBillingProductSubscriptionInfoRepresents the information about the billing product subscription
 CBillingProductSubscriptionRenewalInfoRepresents the information about the billing product subscription renewal
 CBillingProductSubscriptionStatusRepresents the subscription status of a billing product
 CBillingServicesProvides cross-platform interface to request payment from a user for additional functionality or content that your application delivers.
 CBillingServicesInitializeStoreResultThis class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.InitializeStore operation is completed
 CBillingServicesRestorePurchasesResultThis class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.OnRestorePurchasesComplete event is triggered
 CBillingServicesTransactionStateChangeResultThis class contains the information retrieved when BillingServices.OnTransactionStateChange event is triggered
 CBillingServicesUnitySettingsUsed to configure the Billing module of Essential Kit
 CAppShortcutItem.BuilderBuilder for creating a new instance of the AppShortcutItem class
 CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.BuilderRepresents a builder class for BillingProductOfferRedeemDetails
 CBuyProductOptions.BuilderBuilder class for BuyProductOptions
 CPromptUpdateOptions.BuilderBuilder class for constructing PromptUpdateOptions instances
 CBuyProductOptionsRepresents options for purchasing a IBillingProduct
 CCloudServicesProvides a cross-platform interface to sync information across various devices by storing it in the cloud
 CCloudServicesSavedDataChangeResultThis class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnSavedDataChange event
 CCloudServicesSynchronizeResultThis class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnSynchronizeComplete event
 CCloudServicesUserChangeResultThis class contains the information related to CloudServices.OnUserChange event
 CCloudServicesUtilityUtility class for handling cloud services related operations
 CDatePickerProvides a cross-platform interface to access device's date picker view
 CDatePickerResultThis class contains the information retrieved when DatePicker.OnCloseCallback is invoked
 CDeepLinkDefinitionRepresents definition of deep link which can be used to configure deep link services
 CDeepLinkServicesProvides cross-platform interface to handle deep links.
 CDeepLinkServicesDynamicLinkOpenResultThis class contains the information retrieved when deep link is opened
 CExternalServiceProviderProvides an interface to connect external services used by the plugin
 CGameServicesProvides cross-platform interface to easily integrate popular social gaming functionalities such as achievements, leaderboards on your mobile games
 CGameServicesAuthStatusChangeResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.Authenticate operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadAchievementDescriptionsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadAchievements(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadAchievementsResult>) operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadAchievementsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadAchievements(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadAchievementsResult>) operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadLeaderboardsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadLeaderboards(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadLeaderboardsResult>) operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadPlayerFriendsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when load player friends operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadPlayersResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadPlayers(string[], EventCallback<GameServicesLoadPlayersResult>) operation is completed
 CGameServicesLoadServerCredentialsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when GameServices.LoadServerCredentials(EventCallback<GameServicesLoadServerCredentialsResult>) operation is completed
 CGameServicesUnitySettingsUsed to configure Game Services module of Essential Kit
 CGameServicesViewResultThis class contains the information retrieved when game view is closed
 CIAchievementProvides an interface to communicate with game server about local players progress towards completing achievement
 CIAchievementDescriptionProvides an interface to access an achievement's properties such as achievement's title, max points, image etc
 CIAddressBookContactProvides a cross-platform interface to access contact properties, such as contact’s name, image, phone numbers etc.
 CIBillingProductProvides a cross-platform interface to access information about a product registered in Store
 CIBillingTransactionProvides an interface to access transaction information of the purchased product
 CICloudUserProvides a cross-platform interface to access information related to active cloud user
 CIEventHandlerBase interface that all event handlers inherit from
 CIJsonServiceProviderAdapter interface for supporting json conversion compatible with the plugin
 CILeaderboardProvides interface to read data from a leaderboard stored on game server
 CILeaderboardScoreProvides a cross-platform interface to access information about a leaderboard score
 CIMediaContentInterface to be implemented by media content classes
 CINotificationProvides a cross-platform interface to access properties of Notification object
 CINotificationTriggerBase interface for representing an event that triggers the delivery of a notification
 CServerCredentials.IosPlatformPropertiesRepresents iOS platform-specific properties for server credentials
 CBillingProductOfferRedeemDetails.IosPropertiesRepresents the iOS platform properties for redeeming a product offer
 CIPlayerProvides a cross-platform interface to access information about a player playing your game
 CISaveServiceProviderAdapter interface for supporting save service compatible with the plugin
 CKeyValueDataStoreObject represents a container to store key-value pairs
 CLeaderboardDefinitionRepresents an object containing additional information related to game leaderboard
 CLeaderboardLoadScoresResultThis class contains the information retrieved when load scores operation is completed
 CMailComposerInterface to compose and send an email message
 CMailComposerExtensionsMail composer extensions
 CMailComposerResultThis class contains the result of the user action which caused MailComposer interface to dismiss
 CMediaContentCaptureOptionsContains options which customize the behavior of the MediaServices.CaptureMediaContent method
 CMediaContentSaveOptionsContains options which customize the behavior of the MediaServices.SaveMediaContent method
 CMediaContentSelectOptionsContains options for selecting media content
 CMediaServicesProvides cross-platform interface to access devices's media gallery and camera for picking/saving media content
 CMediaServicesRequestCameraAccessResultThis class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.RequestCameraAccess(bool, EventCallback<MediaServicesRequestCameraAccessResult>) operation is completed
 CMediaServicesRequestGalleryAccessResultThis class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.RequestGalleryAccess(GalleryAccessMode, bool, EventCallback<MediaServicesRequestGalleryAccessResult>) operation is completed
 CMediaServicesSaveImageToGalleryResultThis class contains the information retrieved when MediaServices.SaveImageToGallery(Texture2D, EventCallback<MediaServicesSaveImageToGalleryResult>) operation is completed
 CMediaServicesSelectMediaContentResultContains information about the media content selected by the user
 CMessageComposerStandard interface for composing and sending SMS or MMS messages
 CMessageComposerResultThis class contains the result of the user action which caused MessageComposer interface to dismiss
 CMimeTypeCollection of most commonly used MIME types
 CNetworkServicesProvides cross-platform interface to check network connectivity status
 CNetworkServicesHostReachabilityStatusChangeResultThis object contains the information retrieved when NetworkServices.OnHostReachabilityChange event occurs
 CNetworkServicesInternetConnectivityStatusChangeResultThis interface contains the information retrieved when NetworkServices.OnInternetConnectivityChange event occurs
 CNotificationAndroidPropertiesNotification properties specific to Android platform
 CNotificationBuilderBuilder class for INotification objects. Provides a convenient way to set the various fields of a INotification
 CNotificationIosPropertiesNotification properties specific to iOS platform
 CNotificationServicesProvides cross-platform interface for scheduling, registering and handling notifications
 CNotificationServicesGetDeliveredNotificationsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetDeliveredNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesGetDeliveredNotificationsResult>) request is completed
 CNotificationServicesGetScheduledNotificationsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetScheduledNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesGetScheduledNotificationsResult>) request is completed
 CNotificationServicesGetSettingsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.GetSettings(Callback<NotificationServicesGetSettingsResult>) is completed
 CNotificationServicesNotificationReceivedResultThis class contains the information retrieved when notification message is received
 CNotificationServicesRegisterForPushNotificationsResultThis class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.RegisterForPushNotifications(EventCallback<NotificationServicesRegisterForPushNotificationsResult>) operation is completed
 CNotificationServicesRequestPermissionResultThis class contains the information retrieved when NotificationServices.RequestPermission(NotificationPermissionOptions, bool, EventCallback<NotificationServicesRequestPermissionResult>) operation is completed
 CNotificationSettingsRepresents the user’s notification settings
 CPromptUpdateOptionsRepresents the options for prompting an update to the user. Use the PromptUpdateOptions.Builder to create an instance of this class
 CRateMyAppUnique way to prompt user to review the app
 CRateMyAppLocalisationKeyKeys used to localize the rate my app feature
 CRawMediaDataContains information about raw media data
 CReadContactsOptionsRepresents a set of options that can be used to read contacts from the user's device
 CRuntimePlatformConstantObject represents an immutable, read-only object that combines a string value with a platform
 CServerCredentialsContains information about the game service credentials which can be used to connect to game service from your backend
 CShareItemClass internally used to pass data options into sharing functions
 CShareSheetInterface to access standard services from your app
 CShareSheetResultThis class contains the result of the user action which caused ShareSheet interface to dismiss
 CSharingServicesProvides a cross-platform interface to access sharing services
 CSocialShareComposerInterface to compose a post for supported social networking services
 CSocialShareComposerResultThis class contains the result of the user action which caused SocialShareComposer interface to dismiss
 CStringPopupAttributeBase class to create custom string popup field in the inspector
 CTaskServicesCross-platform interface to schedule or continue tasks in background. This can be used for running tasks uninterruptedly
 CURLStringStruct value to represent the location of a resource, such as an item on a remote server or the path to a local file
 CUtilitiesProvides a cross-platform interface to access commonly used native features
 CWebViewProvides a cross-platform interface to display web contents inside your application
 CWebViewExtensionsWeb view extensions
 CWebViewRunJavaScriptResultThis class contains the information retrieved when WebView.RunJavaScript(string, EventCallback<WebViewRunJavaScriptResult>) operation is completed